Research Group in Health
Is dedicated to improving health outcomes and well-being, focusing health promotion, disease prevention, and health maintenance.
Research Group in Human Movement
Is dedicated to exploring multilayered aspects of human movement, to optimize health, performance, motor skills acquisition, and physical functions.
Research Group in Education
Is dedicated on promoting both current educational challenges and pedagogical innovation.
Research Group in Technology and Management
Is dedicated to harness emerging technologies to empower individuals and organizations within the digital transformation.
Let us introduce ourselves
A few words about us
The Insight Research Center is dedicated to conduct innovative and applied research that explores the interconnectedness between human development and their environment. Our mission is to generate knowledge, drive positive societal transformation supported on emergent technologies, contribute to the creation of sustainable and thriving communities, and promote the autonomy, quality of life and wellbeing of individuals.
Ongoing projects
Publications in 5 years
External financing in 3 years
The way we live
Core Values
At Insight, we are guided by core principles that not only define our identity but also steer each of our actions and research endeavors.
Embracing a comprehensive approach to understanding human development within the context of social and ecological interconnectedness.
Integrating principles of psychological and social well-being and ecological sustainability into all research endeavors and operational practices.
Ensuring that research has a social impact, contributing directly to the empowerment and well-being of the communities and of the individuals involved.
Developing cutting-edge research, valuing the understanding of human problems and the creation of transformative solutions guided by emerging challenges and needs with high social and economic impact.
Promoting a scientific culture guided by ethical values and principles so that scientific research activities are consistent with respect for persons, beneficence, and justice.