The Education on RG gathers researchers from Educational Sciences (mainly teachers and educational and school psychologists) with expertise in both current educational challenges and pedagogical innovation.

The development of research and action-research projects fosters educational interventions targeting vulnerable persons and communities, provides sustained and innovative solutions for the improvement of social inclusion, cohesion, participation, justice, and democratic citizenship, and deepens the understanding of pedagogical innovation in what concerns methodologies, educational practices, resources and environments.

The RG is committed to educational agents’ empowerment, to contribute to transformative education and meaningful learning. The efforts are made towards making a direct impact of scientific knowledge on people and communities, underpinned by the principles of inclusion and social justice and active citizenship.

In articulation with the other RGs, the Education RG intends to actively contribute to leveraging the INSIGHT to become a benchmark of excellence in what concerns quality education and pedagogical innovation, in line with national and international recommendations, namely the Sustainable Development Goals set out by the 2030 Agenda, and the UNESCO challenges for reimagining the Futures of Education.


  • To promote research for an inclusive and quality education in formal, non-formal and informal contexts;

  • To produce knowledge that underpins an education for sustainable development, aiming social cohesion and justice, empowering of the most vulnerable populations and reducing inequalities; 

  • To explore effectiveness and efficiency of multiple formats of pedagogical innovation and educational transformation at different levels of education, using diverse strategies and tools to promote school success.

Research Lines

  • Lifelong Learning and Social Inclusion​

  • Pedagogical Innovation

Our people


PI: Sónia Moreira; Funding: €150k, General Directorate of Education 

The project focuses on cooperative learning strategies to improve the effectiveness of teaching and learning and promote student success. It is a national action-research project that includes teachers training in cooperative learning to improve positive classroom climate, self-esteem, self-efficacy beliefs, social skills, motivation and students’ academic performance. 

PI: Rita Barros; Funding: €32k, BPI /La Caixa Foundation (SO19-00094) 

The project aims to promote digital skills in female inmates through training based on the potential of e-learning as a pedagogical differentiation factor that promotes digital inclusion, encouraging policies centered on mitigating risk factors for social and labor exclusion after serving their sentence. 

PI: Celestino Magalhães 

The project aims to evaluate the impact of training within the scope of Innovative Educational Environments, in terms of: 1) satisfaction with the training; 2) learning: knowledge and skills developed; 3) changes in teaching practices; 4) flexibility and inclusion; and to publicize Innovative Educational Environments as contexts conducive to and promoting the acquisition of literacy skills, namely those defined for the Profile of Students Leaving Compulsory Schooling, and in terms of: 1) methodologies, resources and organization of spaces, within the scope of different curricular and non-curricular subject areas; and 2) interdisciplinary articulation/practices between different areas of knowledge (curricular, non-curricular and transversal). 

PI: Mafalda Silva 

Laboratory practice is a type of class in the Nursing Degree Course that is fundamental to the acquisition and development of students’ theoretical and technical skills, allowing them to get closer to the reality of care contexts. The aim is to improve student performance, stimulate creativity and develop critical-reflective thinking, which are key aspects for solving problems in clinical practice. The simulation carried out in the context of a nursing laboratory allows students to take responsibility for their behaviour, boost a professional attitude and develop skills in the instrumental domain, in conjunction with the theoretical knowledge underlying each technical procedure. It is important to know whether these added values are recognised by the students, in order to envisage improvements in the teaching and learning process, which is the main aim of the project.  

PI: Ana Rita Leitão 

The project is focused on the assessment of Portuguese language skills among native speakers (of school or pre-school age) and non-native speakers, with a view to promoting a positive and well-founded attitude towards children’s linguistic performance and educational intervention tailored to the needs identified. 

PI: Hélder Pinto 

The project aims to change negative attitudes towards maths and, consequently, to reduce the school and/or social exclusion that can result from it. The proposed solution involves associating the subject of maths with football, the most popular sport and the one most practiced by young people in Portugal. 

PI: Rita Faria 

The project aims to listen to children about their educational context, their interests, needs and learning goals and to contribute to changing educational practices and policies. 

PI: José Mendes; Funding: €323k, General Directorate of Education – PRR 

The project aims to support first-year students in their academic path by reducing dropout and failure, strengthening their academic skills, promoting social interaction and peer support, valuing their participation, potential and interests and contributing to increasing student autonomy and well-being. 

PI: Celestino Magalhães; Funding: €163k, General Directorate of Education – PRR 

Focused on improving the quality of teaching and learning in higher education, the project is committed to studying pedagogical practices from the perspective of students and teachers, implementing integrated, inclusive and multidisciplinary approaches, as well as developing sustainable solutions to increase meaningful learning in various scientific areas. To this end, this project aims to increase the pedagogical-didactic skills of higher education teachers guided towards pedagogical innovation, with a strong focus on new technologies, cooperative approach and the quality of the teaching relationship. 

PI: Rita Barros 

The project aims to deepen knowledge of some of the dimensions that condition the teaching and learning process of students entering higher education over 23 years old, to meet their educational needs and promote pedagogical differentiation to counteract dropout rates. 

PI: Isabel Silva 

The project uses a playful and engaging approach to foster mathematical, communicative, and socio-emotional skills in young children. By incorporating ball games into the curriculum, the project aims to improve social participation, inclusion, and reduce sedentary behaviors.  

PI: Isabel Silva 

It is an action research project empowering children and young people to become active citizens, participate in their communities and drive sustainable development. 


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